02 May 2009

Good byeeee

You may have reached this blog from a different URL (http://professionalwinner.com). Soon, you will probably not be reaching this blog, specifically, from this URL. But don't worry. The new URL will still give you access to my insights, only different-looking. Keep your eyes peeled!

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15 April 2009

Gouzou goes sailing

Imagine that you've been working on a commercial fishing vessel in the Mozambique Channel for four weeks, seeing relatively little throughout, outside of coast and water. Now imagine running into this:



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23 December 2007

Matthew McDowell/Hair Envelope

1412. 9 December 2007.

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The State was the most intelligent show ever on MTV

MTV was supposed to release a State DVD set last month, but they didn't, and no one knows why.

If you love The State as much as I do, you should write to MTV, and ask them to hurry up:

MTV Home Video
1515 Broadway, NY NY 10036

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21 December 2007

19 December 2007

Canada's Sole Contribution to the Internet is the thing least associated with Canada

While browsing the list of most frequently visited websites, I couldn't help but notice that only one of the sites in the top 100 was based in Canada.

You may be asking: What could this site possibly be? Google.ca? Myspace.ca? Ebay.ca?

No, don't be so banal. The only Canadian site on the list is unique in more than one way. It also happens (apparently) to be the most popular pornography resource in the world.

The true north strong and free, indeed.

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20 November 2007


I'd like to know: what the fuck is up with Kale (or Borecole, as it's sometimes referred to). It tastes like what I imagine sewage would taste like. How do you prepare this horrible shit?

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08 November 2007


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